About Us

Families who work and play
together, stay together.

About Us

Chore App For Child

In the constantly changing and fast paced digital world, children, and adults alike need help with structure. EarnIt was born out of a blended family where each individual family was chaotic enough. Trying to navigate how two sisters who never had brothers, and two brothers who never had sisters, now have each other, became a weekly dance. Chores, homework, sports, dishes, sleepover leftovers stuffed in the couch cushions, all needed some attention and so we came up with the EarnIt! app. Since its inception in 2017, EarnIt has undergone significant changes, and the team behind it is planning to introduce more updates this year to enhance its usefulness and fun factor for kids and parents alike. The app's creators are not part of a big company; they are simply parents who want their children to experience the same healthy challenges and rewards they did while growing up. Our CEO shares a personal story (too often:) from his childhood. He recalls how, at the age of 7, he and his best friend walked nearly 5 miles to the mall to spend his hard-earned allowance. Earning $20 a week by working with his grandfather to install auto glass was no easy task, but the experience instilled in him a sense of accomplishment and empowerment. We understand that times have changed, and children today may not have the same expectations as our Gen X founders. However, the app's creators firmly believe in the inherent value of challenging oneself and reaping the rewards that come with it. We strive to foster a sense of achievement and personal growth in children using EarnIt!